
Student's Blog
INTO Saint Louis University中國學生心得分享

Kaidi Wu
Nationality: ChinaMajor: Master’s in Clinical Social Work


Why did you decide to study at SLU?
I like the SLU mission saying “be a man and womanfor others.” As a Billiken, I sincerely feel that I wassupposed to be the man to help others and I feelsupported by my peers and faculty.
What was your first impression of SLU’s campus?
My first impression of the campus was that the greenspace was so nice. I really loved how SLU was focusingto make it an energy efficient and green campus. Ithink there is more green space here than anywhereI’ve seen in China.
Also, SLU has a very deep cultural background, whichmade it even more interesting. So when I first camehere, I was in love with the campus and all of thearchitecture.
What do you think makes SLU special?
I think what makes SLU special is the people here.SLU has a group of people that really care about eachother.

Can you describe your relationship with yourprofessors?
At SLU, the average class size is 10 to 15 students.This really helped me to interact with the professors.The professors really care about how the individualsare doing in the class. Everybody in the class has theopportunity to express their opinions on the topicof the day. That really helped me to develop myindependence and to think more creatively.
What is it like living in St. Louis?
After 5 years, I consider St. Louis as my second home.I think in St. Louis, people are very friendly andwelcoming. There are so many parks and museums toexplore. And most of them are free. As a student, it’sreally beneficial because every penny counts.

What advice do you have for future students?
SLU is a wonderful place to achieve your Americandreams. Be open-minded. St. Louis is very uniquecompared to other cities. St. Louis is spread out. Therearen’t many high-rises and it isn’t as crowded; it’sslower-paced.


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