矽谷的氣候很舒適,一年中日光照射時間大約有300天,Santa Cruz與Carmel海灘,距離校區僅有一小時車程。冬季滑雪與進行其他山區運動的場地,距離聖荷西也只有大約3小時的車程,在美國遊學聖荷西的生活將會非常舒適而悠閒。
自成立以來,聖荷西州立大學美國語言中心不斷提供高品質的教學來滿足學生在學術、職業及自我成長的需求。除了一般課程外,SAL也安排許多戶外郊遊及活動讓學生的美國遊學生活更為豐富。語言中心的學生可以使用學校各項設施,像是圖書館等等所有學校資源,讓學生不需要擔心在隻身在美國遊學會缺乏學習資源。遊學聖荷西州立大學美國語言中心高級班的同學可申請大學部正式課程,至美國語言中心遊學也提供學生學術方面的諮詢服務,包括大學課程、取得學院或大學入學許 可等相關問題。
SAL從初級到高級班共有8個等級,課程每班平均15位學生。學生可以選擇TOEFL課程、商務進修課程等等。SAL也為已達進階程度,想要體驗大學學程 的學生設立了MBA準備課程,和SJSU同步註冊。多元、多層次的課程設計,遊學聖荷西州立大學美國語言中心讓所有人都能找到適合自己的課程。
2017 假日(目前只公布春季):
1/2 New Year’s Day (observed)
1/16 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
3/31 Cesar Chavez Day
5/29 Memorial Day
Program Overview:
* If you do not meet the English language proficiency requirement, you will be transferred to our Academic and Test Preparation program to improve your general language skills. 如果沒有達到英語程度要求,必須先念Academic and Test Preparation program(ATP)課程。 http://www.sjsu.edu/igateways/programs/mbp/index.html#admissions
-Study for a full semester (17 weeks) or a 9-week session
-Classes start year round (January, March, June, August or October)
-20 hours of academic English and test preparation per week
-8 proficiency levels from low beginner to advanced
-Classes meet 2 hours each day from Monday – Friday with morning and afternoon schedules
-Core courses in Oral Communication, Written Communication, and Reading Skills
-Customize your program with elective classes such as English through Music, American History, TOEFL Preparation, Business English, Presentation Skills or Pronunciation
-Small class sizes
-Academic and immigration advising
-Free campus Wi-Fi access
-Weekly student activities and cultural learning opportunities, conversation club, and cultural exchange partner program
-Concurrent enrollment in SJSU classes for advanced level students who meet the TOEFL requirements
-Regularly scheduled Institutional (paper-based) TOEFL included in program
-Students with passing grades (A, B, C, or D) receive a "Certificate of Completion" at the end of their term.
Program Overview:-Study for a full semester (17 weeks) or a 9-week session -Classes start year round (January, March, June, August or October) -20 hours of academic English and test preparation per week -8 proficiency levels from low beginner to advanced -Classes meet 2 hours each day from Monday – Friday with morning and afternoon schedules -Core courses in Oral Communication, Written Communication, and Reading Skills -Customize your program with elective classes such as English through Music, American History, TOEFL Preparation, Business English, Presentation Skills or Pronunciation -Small class sizes -Academic and immigration advising -Free campus Wi-Fi access -Weekly student activities and cultural learning opportunities, conversation club, and cultural exchange partner program -Concurrent enrollment in SJSU classes for advanced level students who meet the TOEFL requirements -Regularly scheduled Institutional (paper-based) TOEFL included in program -Students with passing grades (A, B, C, or D) receive a "Certificate of Completion" at the end of their term. |
學校與校外寄宿家庭業者合作,提供寄宿家庭,但學生須附USD435的住宿安排費, 該業者提供接機服務,單程USD120除了以上接機服務外,此校不提供其他接機服務
矽谷的氣候很舒適,一年中日光照射時間大約有300天,Santa Cruz與Carmel海灘,距離校區僅有一小時車程。冬季滑雪與進行其他山區運動的場地,距離聖荷西也只有大約3小時的車程,在美國遊學聖荷西的生活將會非常舒適而悠閒。