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Mengyuan Li from China has recently achieved the fantastic accolade of being offered a place to transfer to Ivy League Cornell University. Currently ranked 15th in the whole of the US, it is a fantastic university that will offer her the ideal place to study her intended major - Food Science.

We caught up with her to find out more.

Hi Mengyuan. What college will you study at, and what degree course have you been accepted to do? 
I've been accepted to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Cornell University to major in Food Science. 

Did you always know you wanted to go to Cornell, and what were your main reasons for applying? 
Yes. Because when I did my research in my first semester, Cornell is the only school in the ivy league that doesn’t require SAT for transfer students, and it has a fairly high acceptance rate of transfer students. I want to major in chemistry based major. The food science program in Cornell is probably the strongest program among U.S.

How did the team at Kings help with your transfer for Cornell? 
The Kings team helped me revise my application essays.

How would you describe the summer you spent at Cornell? 
I would like to say that all the pains will be rewarded. I spent two months, taking General Chemistry One and Two. Those two months were filled with intense course work, and I experienced what a normal Cornell student would have experienced. Though it was stressful and I felt my life was too monotonous, looking back now, I realize that, without those two months’ hard work, I wouldn't be so confident about going to Cornell.

What are you most looking forward to about starting at Cornell?
I wish I could blend into the community, focus on my study, and most importantly, have some fun!

Do you have any idea what you’d like to do after you finish your degree?
I will probably further explore food engineering, and end up going to a food company.

Do you have any advice for other students who would like to apply to Cornell? 
Don’t waste time preparing SAT if you didn’t take it before. Instead, they should put emphasis on GPA, TOEFL score, and other extracurricular activities. If time is permitted, they can also take some summer courses there. Choosing the course that they have confidence in or is required by their future majors will be a better choice.

How would you describe your experience at Kings and do you have advice for other students considering Kings' on campus program?
The Kings program is quite helpful because you can reach advisors anytime you want. But you need to take the initiative with your transfer plan and make it as soon as possible. Once the plan is made, act it out sturdily.

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